The LINKFEEL token is virtual and is used to activate your sensor on the SIGFOX network and collect your data on the FEELBAT cloud for one year. You can purchase multiple tokens (visible and available on your profile) to activate with one click (on the FEEBAT app or web) the sensor of your choice at the desired time. For the sensor to function, it needs to be in an area covered by the SIGFOX network and not in a dead zone (basement, cellar, or places with thick steel or concrete walls).
Things to know
- Once activated, the token is linked to a single sensor.
- Once activated, the Linkfeel token cannot be transferred.
- The activation duration is 1 year. It is impossible to deactivate or suspend it temporarily.
- To extend the subscription, you can use a second token either at the end of the first token's lifespan or during its validity period to ensure continuity.
- The tokens in your account never expire until they are used,.

Votre snippet dynamique sera affiché ici... Ce message est affiché parce que vous n'avez pas défini le filtre et le modèle à utiliser.
Votre snippet dynamique sera affiché ici... Ce message est affiché parce que vous n'avez pas défini le filtre et le modèle à utiliser.